Category Title File
Appointment Appointment of Non-Regular Faculty Beyond age 65 A_F_001.doc
Appointment Appointment Of Non-Regular Faculty Beyond Age 65 And Extension Of Faculty Appointment Beyond Compulsory Retirement A_F_023.doc
Appointment Authority to sign A_F_002.pdf
Appointment Basic Paper for Admin A_F_020_0.xlsx
Appointment Basic Paper for Faculty/REPs A_F_003.xlsx
Appointment Basic Paper for Job Order (JO) A_F_004.xls
Appointment Certificate of RATA A_F_022.doc
Appointment Confidentiality and Non-DIisclosure Undertaking (NDU) A_F_012.docx
Appointment Contract of Service A_F_005_0.docx
Appointment CSC Form 101-G Application Eligibility
Appointment Data Privacy Consent Form A_F_006.docx
Appointment Employment Data Amendment Form (ER-3) A_F_007.pdf
Appointment Faculty Loading Matrix A_F_008.xls
Appointment Final Appointment A_F_021.pdf
Appointment Information Sheet ( Academic ) A_F_009.doc
Appointment Medical Certificate for Employment A_F_010.xls
Appointment Membership Request Form (GSIS MRF) A_F_011_0.pdf
Appointment Personal Data Sheet (PDS) CS Revised 2017 A_F_013.xlsx
Appointment Position Description Form (PDF-CSC) A_F_014.xlsx
Appointment Position Description Form (PDF-REPS) A_F_015.doc
Appointment Proposed Plan Form for Professorial Chair/ Faculty Grant (Revised) A_F_023.docx
Appointment Summary Recommendee Profile - RPFC A_F_016.doc
Appointment Summary Recommendee Profile- APFC A_F_017.doc
Appointment Waiver for Tenure Rule A_F_018.doc
Appointment Work Experience Sheet A_F_019.docx
Attendance and Leave of Absence Application For Leave UP Approved leave (UPS HR Form No.002) A&L_F_001.xlsx
Attendance and Leave of Absence Certificate of Apperance A&L_F_002.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Certificate of Service (COS) A&L_F_003.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Consolidated Report of Attendance(CRA) A&L_F_004.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence CS Application for Leave A&L_F_005.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Daily Time Record(DTR) A&L_F_006.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Manual Entry A&L_F_007.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Medical Certificate(SL) A&L_F_008.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Monthly Summary OT Services Rendered A&L_F_009.xls
Attendance and Leave of Absence Notice of Allocation of Maternity leave (CS FORM No. 6A) A&L_F_010.pdf
Attendance and Leave of Absence Report for Duty A&L_F_011.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Request for Change of Official Time A&L_F_012.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Request for Overtime Service A&L_F_013.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence Request Overtime with Pay A&L_F_014.doc
Attendance and Leave of Absence University Clearance(Form-B) A&L_F_015.doc
Learning and Development Training Evaluation Form TE_F_001.docx
Loans Pag-IBIG Multi-Purpose Loan L_F_001.pdf
Loans UP Provident ( Equity Loan ) L_F_016.pdf
Membership Applications BIR MA_F_001.pdf
Membership Applications GSIS membership information MA_F_002.pdf
Membership Applications Pag-IBIG online membership
Membership Applications Pag-ibig-Member's Change of Information Form (MCIF) MA_F_004.pdf
Membership Applications Pag-Ibig-Member's Data Form (MDF) MA_F_005.pdf
Membership Applications PhilHealth online registration MA_F_003.pdf
Miscellaneous Application for ID
Miscellaneous Nomination Form (CAD Employee of the Month) M_F_001.doc
Other Benefits Employees' Compensation Commission
Other Benefits Application for a One Step Increase Due to Completion of a Graduate Degree Course OB_F_001.doc
Other Benefits Application for For Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees OB_F_002.doc
Other Benefits Application for Limited Practice of Profession OB_F_003.doc
Other Benefits Computer Loan Application OB_F_004.pdf
Other Benefits Enhanced Hospitalization Programme (eHOPE) OB_F_005.pdf
Other Benefits Enrollment Privileges For Non-Earning Dependents of UP Employee OB_F_006.doc
Other Benefits Er2 Form OB_F_007.pdf
Other Benefits Rehabilitation Leave Privilege OB_F_008.pdf
Other Benefits Special Leave Benefits for Women OB_F_009.pdf
Other Benefits Use of Government Vehicle Form OB_F_011.doc
Payment of Salaries and Other Benefits/Allowances Certification of Assumption to Duty PSOBA_F_001.docx
Payment of Salaries and Other Benefits/Allowances Certification of not using any gov't vehicle(for RATA) PSOBA_F_002.doc
Payment of Salaries and Other Benefits/Allowances Oath of Office PSOBA_F_003.docx
Payment of Salaries and Other Benefits/Allowances SALN (docx) PSOBA_F_004.doc
Payment of Salaries and Other Benefits/Allowances SALN (pdf) PSOBA_F_005.pdf
Performance Evaluation Appeal on Performance Rating PE_F_001.doc
Performance Evaluation Individual Development Plan PE_F_008.docx
Performance Evaluation Job Oder/COS Evaluation Tool PE_F_002.pdf
Performance Evaluation REPS PES Form PE_F_003.xlsx
Performance Evaluation Template Certification for Gratuity Pay 32 Certification for Gratuity Pay.xlsx
Performance Evaluation UP SPMS Form 1 IPCR PE_F_004 (1)_1.xlsx
Performance Evaluation UP SPMS Form 2 OPCR PE_F_005_0.xlsx
Performance Evaluation UP SPMS Forms 3 to 5 PE_F_006.docx
Recruitment and Hiring Authority To Fill (Admin-OC rev.11.7.17) H&R_F_004.pdf
Recruitment and Hiring Authority To Fill (Admin-OP rev. 11.22.17) H&R_F_005.pdf
Recruitment and Hiring New MSP Forms
Recruitment and Hiring Personnel Requisition Slip(PRS) H&R_F_009.doc
Recruitment and Hiring Profile of Applicants H&R_F_010.xls
Recruitment and Hiring Ranking Form H&R_F_011.doc
Recruitment and Hiring Summary H&R_F_012.doc
Recruitment and Hiring Unit HRMPSB H&R_F_013.docx
Recruitment and Hiring Unit-HRMPSB (Ranking) H&R_F_014.docx
Retirement and Separation Checklist of Requirements for Compulsory and Optional Retirees R&S_F_031.pdf
Retirement and Separation Affidavit Of Surviving Heirs/Surviving Spouse/ Guardian Of Minor Or Dependent Child/Ren R&S_F_037.pdf
Retirement and Separation Application for Disability Retirement (Ra 660/Ra 8291)/Life Insurance Benefit R&S_F_035.pdf
Retirement and Separation Application for ID of Retirees R&S_F_002.xlsx
Retirement and Separation Application for Pag-IBIG Provident Benefits R&S_F_003.pdf
Retirement and Separation Application For Retirement Under Ra 7699 (Portability Law) R&S_F_033.pdf
Retirement and Separation Application For Retirement/ Separation/Life Insurance Benefits R&S_F_038.pdf
Retirement and Separation Application for Survivorship Form R&S_F_004.pdf
Retirement and Separation Application for Terminal Leave(Form6) R&S_F_005.doc
Retirement and Separation Authority to Deduct Form R&S_F_029.docx
Retirement and Separation Authorization To Claim Remaining Equity R&S_F_006.pdf
Retirement and Separation Bayanihan - Continuation of Membership R&S_F_023.pdf
Retirement and Separation Bayanihan - Withdrawal of Membership R&S_F_022.pdf
Retirement and Separation Checklist of Requirements for Non-renewal of Extension beyond 65 R&S_F_032.pdf
Retirement and Separation Declaration of Pendency and Non Pendency of case R&S_F_007.PDF
Retirement and Separation Disability Benefits Income Benefits Claim For Payment R&S_F_034.pdf
Retirement and Separation Exit Interview R&S_F_008.docx
Retirement and Separation Faculty Cumulative Leave Benefits (FCLB) R&S_F_009.xlsx
Retirement and Separation Funeral Benefit Form R&S_F_010.pdf
Retirement and Separation GSIS Authorization Form R&S_F_012.pdf
Retirement and Separation GSIS member request form A_F_011 (1).pdf
Retirement and Separation GSIS Memorial Plan Release and Quit Claim Form R&S_F_028.pdf
Retirement and Separation Letter of Intent to Retire R&S_F_026.pdf
Retirement and Separation Part I – Insured Statement Total and Permanent Disability Claim R&S_F_036.pdf
Retirement and Separation Retirement Information Sheet (Prof. Emeritus) R&S_F_014.doc
Retirement and Separation Special Power of Attorney R&S_F_025.pdf
Retirement and Separation SRP Form R&S_F_015.xlsx
Retirement and Separation Succession Plan R&S_F_016.pdf
Retirement and Separation University Clearance A R&S_F_017.pdf
Retirement and Separation UP Credit Coop Bank Deposit Authorization Benefit claim R&S_F_030.pdf
Retirement and Separation UP Credit Coop- Affidavit of Undertaking R&S_F_020.doc
Retirement and Separation UP Provident Benefit Claim Application R&S_F_027.pdf
Retirement and Separation UP Provident Benefits Claim R&S_F_018.pdf
Retirement and Separation UP Provident Withdrawal of Personal Share R&S_F_024.pdf
Retirement and Separation UP Provident- Bank Deposit Authorization R&S_F_021.pdf
Retirement and Separation Withdrawal of Member's Contribution R&S_F_019.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Application for Sabbatical SD&SL_F_001.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Basic Paper for Sabbatical SD&SL_F_002.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Foreign Fellowship Agreement/ Study Leave Agreement SD&SL_F_003.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Foreign Suretyship Agreement SD&SL_F_004.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Letter Request(OPS LB-1) SD&SL_F_005.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Local Fellowship Agreement / Study Leave Agreement SD&SL_F_006.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Local Suretyship Agreement SD&SL_F_007.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Request for Local Special Detail for 15 days and below SD&SL_F_008.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Request for Travel Authority (Personal travel abroad) SD&SL_F_009.pdf
Special Detail and Study Leave Sabbatical Return Service Contract SD&SL_F_010.pdf