Incentive Scheme for Administrators [1161st BOR meeting, July 25, 2002; amended at 1177th BOR meeting, Nov. 27, 2003]

Faculty administrators are given, in addition to their salary, entitlements such as honorarium, administrative load credit, representation, and transportation allowances. These, however, have been found to be inadequate considering the demands of administrative positions. Furthermore, during the period of appointment, faculty administrators are hardly able to pursue research activities. Since the present promotion system assigns greater weight to scholarly activities like teaching, research and publications, faculty administrators face the prospect of lagging behind their colleagues.

Recognizing the invaluable role of faculty administrators in the attainment of the University’s mission and realizing the need to entice more qualified members of the faculty to accept administrative assignment, the incentives shown on the following table are granted. In addition, a ―Period for Re-energizing‖ is granted to administrators to enable them to take time off from their routine functions and responsibilities during the summer months. This period, which serves to save administrator from burning out, may be done on a shifting arrangement as decided by each unit. Entitled to this are the following: [E.O. no. 03-11, Office of the President, UP, Mar 14, 2003; OSU memo no. 03-22, Apr. 29, 2003]

  • President
  • Heads of Units
  • Vice Presidents
  • Associate Deans
  • Chancellors
  • Deputy Directors
  • Vice Chancellors
  • College Secretaries
  • Deans
  • Department Chairs
  • Directors
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