The Human Resource Development Office (HRDO), in its continuous effort to provide services to the UP Manila community, will spearhead the HRDO Caravan Series: Government Services Access Express.
The HRDO will partner with the UP Provident Fund (UPPF) to offer an in-house "UP PROVIDENT FUND CARAVAN." The UPPF Caravan will include the following services:
- New Membership Application
- Member’s Data Updating (Change in Monthly Contribution, Updating of Beneficiary/ies, Change of Address and/or Contact Details, Change of Personal and/or Employment Details, Change of Marital Status, Change or Correction of Name, etc),
- Loan Application
- UPPF Portal Assistance
- Retirement/Resignation Inquiries
The UP Provident Fund will be held on February 4-5, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM at 8/F, Social Hall, PGH Building.
For us to better facilitate this caravan, the HRDO encourages interested UP Manila Faculty, Administrative Staff, and REPS to accomplish this registration form through the link,, to be accommodated on the schedule of the caravan.
The survey form will officially close on January 24, 2025, Friday, at 5:00 pm.
For questions/concerns, please contact the Human Resource Development Office (HRDO) at or at 8814-1228. Thank you.